Jonas Parson has done a great job of summing up the first night on Paléo in the previous article. Check out his recommendation of where to find some craft beer to drink at the festival. Jonas has been covering Paléo for many years, see photo at the end of this post.
Last night certainly was a hot start to the festival. For those heading to Paléo tonight, be assured there is plenty of water on hand to keep cool in the canicule (heatwave).
The water in the bathrooms is (potable) drinkable and there are two taps with cold water near the entrance at the "Palé'eau" area to fill up your own water bottles. There's also a fun wall that sprays out a cold mist, a most welcome relief in the heat. And of course there are the famous fountains at the entry point, quite a few people were dipping into this last night.
Keep hydrated, wear a hat and enjoy the music. Last night, once the sun started to set there were some lovely skies and of course, once it turns dark, the grounds look magnificent.
See photos below from Tuesday night - All photos C. Nelson-Pollard
Photo below - Jonas Parson wearing vintage Paléo.
The Paléo T-Shirt is from 1993, the year he was born.