Here is an other edition of 1260+ a miscellaneous selection of events and useful information for readers. Why 1260+? 1260 is the postcode of Nyon so for these articles, we travel further afield.
Listen here to an interview on World Radio Switzerland with a UK trained doctor who works in the emergency department of the Cantonal Hospital of Geneva. She talks about the similarities and differences of working here as a doctor compared to the UK. We hear about Swiss medical culture, the cost of treatment, the language skills of Swiss doctors and more.
Listen here to an interview with an expat who started a PhD in education as the first ever PhD distance student at Edinburgh University. You can also find other suggestions to online learning opportunities from the Open University to the Khan Academy, on the same page as the interview.
See this article here from the website "Newly Swissed" The editor of Living in Nyon is not sure if some of these are "April Fools" or not. Judge for yourself!
- An article here by Diccon Bewes (author of Swiss Watching) on the high price of some products in Swiss pharmacies.
See article here from the website "Geneva Lunch" for a clear explanation (in English) about Swiss wines and all about the six wine making regions.
Listen to this radio interview here by Amy Eber the food Scout on World Radio Switzerland.
- Read here on Swiss Info about FATCA – ( the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act) and how it has caused "upheaval among the American expat community and dual Swiss-US nationals living in Switzerland"
Missed the naval parade in Nyon on the 19th May? You can get an idea of the atmosphere of the day here on this video on Nyon Region TV (the parade is from around 5. 30 minutes into the video)
The obligatory approved First Aid course required for the driving licence in Switzerland. The course is 10 hours long and is split over a Friday evening and a full day on a Saturday. The course is delivered in English and the contents include: The first actions to take at the scene of an accident. How to call for emergency help, including essential French and German phrases and your legal obligations in Switzerland. How to keep yourself and others safe when an accident has occurred, including management of your own stress levels. Practising Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation on life-sized mannekins. Helping an injured person at the roadside. Recognising the symptoms and signs of a heart attack and a stroke and their First Aid management. How to asses and help an unconscious person. Special precautions that need to be taken if a spinal injury is suspected. The First Aid management of severe bleeding and burns. This is a 2 module course and attendance of both modules is required in order to obtain the course certificate.