How do we find fulfillment and happiness in our work and in our lives? Find your flow is the book coming to the rescue to help us find some answers.Thank you to John Zimmer, co-author of "Find your Flow" for sharing this information!What's the book about?
Born from a question the authors asked themselves - how could people find happiness and fulfillment in their work lives? The discussions led to the creation of a book entitled Find your Flow complete with workbooks allowing you to work through the exercises.

Who are the authors?
When a group of people with diverse and complementary skills get together, ideas come to life and magic happens. Read more about authors Tony Anagor, John Zimmer, Zsuzsanna Ferenczi, Paul Jeremaes and illustrator Kevin Woodson here.
How do I get a copy?
The book is available on Amazon.
Have you read it? Do tell us your impressions. For any questions reach out to the Find your Flow team on their website here.