Photo above: Overlooking Nyon, taken from the top of the High School
Events -Music There is a "Louis Armstrong" night down at the 1306 club tonight the 18th Feb Ruelle de La Poterne. Free entry (hat passed round for artists). See website for more details.
Over at La Parenthèse (Grand Rue in Nyon )the French/ Danish duo "Twice" will be performing at 22:00.
Events -Theatre Sat February 19th at 20:00 in Morges at the Café Théâtre Casino. "Caveman", a one man comedy show in English see site for more details
Other news: La Côte newspaper reported last week that the Cinema in Nyon was due to close, but it has been announced today that is now under new management and will open tomorrow Saturday 19th Feb.
Don't forget to check out the English column in La Côte newspaper each Friday. It can found on the front inside page called Forum next to the Readers' letters. Friday's edition is also their weekend edition and is often on sale also on Saturdays. La Côte carries a full listing of films showing in the region in Geneva and Lausanne and also over in Divonne.
Photo: Interior courtyard of Nyon high school.
Did you know that Nyon has its own TV station called NRTV? It has a Mon-Fri news bulletin called "Vues sur L' Actu" which is broadcast at 18:00 with local news and interviews. If you miss a broadcast you can watch it again on the website. The station broadcasts other progammes such as "Art O' Baz "which is an art based programme and features interviews with artists, sculptors, directors of theatrical events etc.
The programme "Ma boite a utils" (my work box) goes behind the scenes of local businesses and shops. "La caméra en balade" takes the camera out and about to local areas (there is no commentary). Check it out as you never know whether your village (or you) will be in one of the shots!
If you are learning French, then one thing that may help you is to watch short clips of interviews on the programme called "Texto", to hear French as it is spoken here.
"Texto" is where members of the public (walking by in the street), are interviewed by the station's roving reporter on local and international issues.
On "Texto" of the 28 January, the question was, "What do you think of the recent World Economic Forum in Davos?" you can see it here Listen to the replies from a postman to a mother, to passers by. On the 21st January local individuals were asked about the recent events happening in Tunisia. On the 4th February the interviewer asked members of the public if they knew what the "Superbowl" was, and back in December they were asked about their online shopping habits and in another, they were asked if they make ever make impulsive purchases when out and about in the shops! The beauty of this little programme (and the others on the station), is that you can replay the interviews again all online, so you can then listen to any words or phrases that you missed the first time and then ask your French teacher about them later ,or check them out in the dictionary!