We wish all our readers a very Happy New Year! After a fantastic break, we are back and will continue to bring you articles about this wonderful town of Nyon and the surrounding region.
So, to start us off, we have some charming news from the Ville de Nyon - announcing that the population of Nyon has officially passed 23,000 inhabitants.

Jóhann Gudmundur Gudmundsson was born on 27th October 2022 and alongside his parents Stephanie Keegstra and Einar Gudmundsson, were welcomed by Daniel Rossellat, the Mayor of Nyon and Resident Control Officer, Maria Frei to mark the occasion on 21st December 2022. “Welcome to the world to Jóhann Gudmundur Gudmundsson and welcome to Nyon. We wish Jóhann and his family a lot of happiness enjoying all that the most beautiful city in the world can offer them, thus taking advantage of the educational, extracurricular, social, cultural and sporting infrastructures” - Daniel Rossellat (translation from French). As of now, there are officially 132 nationalities in Nyon. The population of Nyon was 6,000 in 1950 and grew to the 20,000 milestone at the end of 2014. Since March 2018, the number was 21,000 and the growth rate as it stands is approximately 1,000 inhabitants per two years! We wish baby Jóhann all the best! Look out for our upcoming articles from Living in Nyon's interview with the Mayor Of Nyon, Daniel Rossellat. Giving us insights into the growth and development for Nyon, we will also be digging deeper into some interesting stats on the demographic of the people of Nyon.